Personalized Recommendation Systems Powered By Large Language Models: Integrating Semantic Understanding and User Preferences


  • Fu Shang Data Science, New York University, NY, USA
  • Fanyi Zhao Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA
  • Mingxuan Zhang Business Analytics and Project Management, University of Connecticut, CT, USA
  • Jun Sun Business Analytics and Project Management, University of Connecticut, CT, USA
  • Jiatu Shi Computer Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Cheng Du, China


Personalized Recommendation Systems, Large Language Models, Semantic Understanding, User Preference Modeling


This study proposes a novel personalized recommendation system leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to integrate semantic understanding with user preferences[1]. The system addresses critical challenges in traditional recommendation approaches by harnessing LLMs' advanced natural language processing capabilities. We introduce a framework combining a fine-tuned Roberta semantic analysis model with a multi-modal user preference extraction mechanism.The LLM component undergoes domain adaptation using Masked Language Modeling on a corpus of 112,000 user reviews from the MyAnimeList dataset, followed by task-specific fine-tuning using contrastive learning. User preferences are modeled through a weighted combination of explicit ratings, review sentiment, and implicit feedback, incorporating temporal dynamics through a time-decay function. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art baselines, including Matrix Factorization, Neural Collaborative Filtering, BERT4Rec, and LightGCN. Our LLM-powered system achieves an 8.6%increase in NDCG@10 and a 10.5% improvement in Mean Reciprocal Rank compared to the best-performing baseline. Ablation studies reveal the synergistic effect of integrating LLM-based semantic understanding with user preference modeling.


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How to Cite

Shang, F., Zhao, F., Zhang, M., Sun, J., & Shi, J. (2024). Personalized Recommendation Systems Powered By Large Language Models: Integrating Semantic Understanding and User Preferences. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management, 11(4), 39–49. Retrieved from


