Quantifying Vegetation Cover Change In Ajodhya Hill Forest: A Landsat-Based NDVI Study
Deforestation; Forest Cover Change; Landsat; NDVI; Ajodhya Hill Forest RegionAbstract
Forests are pivotal in providing ecological interconnectedness and essential ecosystem services. In this regard, remote sensing techniques are crucial to depict existing forest resources' original state and nature. NDVI is a preliminary and pilot method for simplifying complex multi-spectral image interpretation. Nowadays, it is the most beneficial and approving lead for vegetation assessment. This study aims to quantify vegetation change coverage in the Ajodhya Hill Forest region, Purulia District, using the Landsat-based Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The present research article focuses on identifying vegetation coverage trends and determining the nature, rate, location, and magnitude of vegetation swaps over 20 years. Our analysis reveals a concerning decline in forest cover, particularly in dense vegetation areas, with simultaneous increases in Sparse and No vegetation categories in this region. Change detection analysis highlights the dynamic nature of forest cover attributed to deforestation, forest logging, tourism development, and policy execution. Our findings underscore the importance of effective forest conservation and management strategies to mitigate further vegetation loss and preserve ecosystem integrity.
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